Research Paper on XLH Quality of Life

Research Paper on XLH Quality of Life

Research shows impact of XLH on quality of life XLH UK have collaborated with Triangulate Health to scientifically verify the research evidence regarding the impact of XLH on the lives of XLH patients and those of their families. Titled ‘Exploring Perspectives...

Help those in Scotland and Ireland access new treatment

>> Link to Survey << We want to hear from people who have experience of living with inheritable hypophosphatemia’s about what it is like to live with the condition and their experience of current drug treatments and supporting care. Your...

NICE u-turn approves first therapy for children with XLH

Final Recommendation We are absolutely thrilled to announce this morning that burosumab has been APPROVED for routine use on our NHS for children from 1 years up to young adults aged 16/17 years. This news completely changes the landscape for the estimated 250...